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Mausoleum of Augustus – 1932

The Mausoleum of Augustus was begun by Augustus fairly early in his reign. His reasons in starting it, while practical, were also political. Marc Antony had just announced that he wished to be buried in Egypt with Cleopatra, and in order to draw support away from the other man, Augustus commissioned his own giant place of burial as close to Rome as possible. It was his way of showing his loyalty to Rome and ensuring that he had his own monument when he died. The mausoleum was meant for Augustus’s entire family, not just the emperor himself. Indeed, his death was preceded by that of his wife, sons. 

The excavation of the Mausoleum of Augustus, like most of Mussolini’s excavations and restorations, was put under the charge of Antonio Munez. Munez seemed to embrace Mussolini’s priorities of showcasing as much as possible in as little amount of time as possible. 

------ Then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PHOTO, ABOVE: Mussolini at the inaugeration of the demolitions accompanying the works designed to isolate the Tomb of Augustus in 1934


Source: ASIL: Il Duce dà inizio alle demolizioni per l'isolamento del Mausoleo di Augusto. Mussolini demolisce il tetto di una vecchia casa del vicolo Soderini presso Ripetta - 20.10.1934 - 22.10.1934. Mussolini è in abiti borghesi e con un basco in testa, circondato da operai e da uomini della Milizia e del Partito, che assistono al suo lavoro sorridendo con grande partecipazione. Il Duce dà così l'avvio alle demolizioni per l'isolamento del Mausoleo di Augusto. codice Foto: A00057255. Reparto Attualità: 1934


PHOTO, ABOVE: View of the Tomb of Augustus during rennovation, 1937. Once completed, the buildings around the square were replaced by imposing modernist government buildings. This juxtaposition served, once again, to solidify the link between ancient Rome and Fascism.


Source ASIL: Veduta del cantiere aperto intorno all'Augusteo - 29.05.1937 vari a Roma:demolizioni nell'area dei Borghi e dell'Augusteo; e lavori di allestimento della Mostra Nazionale delle Colonie estive e dell'Assistenza all'infanzia al Circo Massimo. codice Foto: A00073418. Reparto Attualità: 1937


------ Now -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PHOTO, ABOVE: Fascist reliefs celebrating the strength of the Fascist State inscribed on a building which faces the Tomb of Augustus. The inscription at the bottom reads, in Latin, Year 18 of the Fascist Restitution. Photo by MU Students, 2014. 



PHOTO, RIGHT: Fascist murals and relief inscription on the facade of another building facing the Tomb of Augustus. Each winged figure flanking the text relief carries a fasces bundle. Buildings around the Tomb of Augustus. Photo by MU Students, 2014.

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