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Hitler in Rome, 1937

Hitler's visit to Rome in 1937 was a political display of the new alliance between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. For Mussolini, the visit was an opportunity to display the power and modernity of the Italian Fascist State to the Füher. During Mussolini's visit to Berlin the previous year, he had been treated to a grand display of Germany's strength; Mussolini was determined to impress the Nazi leader with a display of his own achievements. Hitler's route was designed to showcase the best Rome had to offer, and specifically highlight the new construction and city improvements as successes of the Fascist State.

Hitler's Visit: a Breakdown of the Itinerary
and Features of Note

- Reasons for the Spectacle

·      to mimic the one Germany gave Mussolini in September

·      to hide unflattering parts of rome that Hitler would see from the train

·      to impress Hitler with the vitality and force of the fascist regime

·      people in charge- Foreign minister Ciano, Fascist party Starace, minister of popular culture Dino… something rather

- Hiding trouble spots

·      Naples to Rome

o   16 spots – Industrial dump near Torricola

·      also track from Florence to Rome for non aesthetics

·      San Lorenzo where Hitler would get on a train at Termini was neglected by regime

- Hitler’s Tour

·      Pantheon

o   Liked that Raphael was buried there (fancied himself an artist)

o   Also noted the architecture

o   Not really commented upon that it was a church

·      Piazza Venezia to Vittorio Emmanuele monument for another wreath laying

·      Dinner with Duce

o   Tour reflected the Fascist history of rome which began with unification and ended with Fascism at the tomb of the unknown soldier

·      Centocelle field for fifty thousand fascist youth at an airfield

o   Taken through Appein way where ancient romans marched

·      Naples to see Navy

·      Via del Trionfi parade

o   Boulevard constructed vt regime at Palatine heill underneath ruins of the Emporors’ palaces

·      Fubara display of Italian airforce bomb dropping

·      Santa Marinella for infantry demonstration

o   Life magazine has a photospread of naval and military exercises that were impressive for their realism

o   New York times says the demonstrations were like dress rehearsals for war

·      Borghese Museum to look at art

·      Museo della Terme at the old Diocletain baths

·      Capitoline museums

·      Bernini fountains designed by Michealangeolo

·      Foro Mussolini built at foot of Monte Mario that was dedicated to the march on rome

·      University of Rome designed by Piacentini in the San Lorenzo quarter

o   Foro and university provided the best examples of fascist architecture in Rome

o   Also saw recently excavated Teatro Marcello, Tomb of Augustus and Imperial and public fora

·      Open roads were great, more time on road then in monument

- The Duce’s Rome

·      Hitler came to see Mussolini’s innovations under fascism and riding with the king left a sour taste of old liberalism in Hitler’s mouth post visit. They thought that the king did not like the innovations that fascism provided. Catalyst for Fascism’s move against the monarchy post Hitler’s visit. 

VIDEO, ABOVE: "Il Viaggio del Führer in Italia." A short feature describing Hitler's visit compiled of Cinecittà Luce newsclips.

MAP, ABOVE: A rough outline of Hitler's welcome tour from Ostiense Station to Quirinal Palace on May 3, 1938. Note that the roads and avenues pictured above are mapped according to the routes possible today.




MAP, LEFT: Suggested map of Hitler's May 4, 1938 sightseeing itenerary. The route begins at the Quirinal palace and concludes at the Villa Borghese Park. Again, note that the roads and avenues pictured are mapped according to the routes possible today.

Copyright 2014 University of Missouri.

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