2014 Team
The 2014 team started this project. In Rome the class researched the history of fascism, war and occupation in the city and created the website. During the following months they expanded and edited the site until it was ready for publication in the fall of 2014.

PHOTO, The summer 2014 team takes a break in the Stadio di Marmi. Photo by Avery Enderle Wagner, 2014.
2014 Chief Curators: Chief curators were students from the summer 2014 class who took leadership roles in Italy and the US. They continued to work on editing the site after grades were turned in and the course was over and were instrumental in completing the site.

Avery Enderle Wagner: Researcher, Photography Editor, Text Editor and Resident Website Guru.

Jessica Fisk: Photography Editor, Copy Editor.

Julie Saperstein: Researcher, editor, responsible for much of the work on the Roman Shoah.

Sydney Smith: Researcher, editor, responsible for much of the work on urban planning and the changing cityscape.
2014 Curators: Researchers, photographers, and editors.

Robert Britz

Ryan Dautenhahn
Nicole Diller

Natalie Emmons

Gabe McBaine

Jeff Parles
Katie Wibbenmeyer