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Our Ongoing Collaboration and Goals

This website is an ongoing collaborative University of Missouri student project that began in the summer of 2014.


During the month of June, a group of 11 students studied the history of fascism, war and occupation using the city of Rome as a primary text. Through readings and tours we explored how Mussolin's government remade the city, building new roads, neighborhoods and monuments, transforming the city into a living monument expressing the fascist vision of Italy and Italians. Walking the streets of the city we saw the ways fascism altered Roman society and culture, changing how and where people lived.  During the course we examined the impact war and the German occupation had on the lives of Romans, from the deportation of Roman Jews, to the rise of the resistance and the massacre at the Fosse Ardeatine.   The 2014 team built the original website and completed many of the initial pages.  Subsequent teams will expand, revise and edit the site, integrating their photographs and research findings. The goal of the class is to make this history of Rome visible to the widest general public.



------ The 2015 Team -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Team Leader and
Program Director

Professor Linda Reeder:  Director of the MU Rome web project. Professor Reeder is an associate professor of history at the University of Missouri. She specializes in the history of Modern Italy, Migration studies, and the history of European women in the 19th and 20th century.  She developed the MU summer Rome course in 2013.

For more information about the course and the site contact:

2015 Curators: Researchers, Photographers and Editors 

Hannah Aldrich


Travis Callaway


Monica Derbes


Ashley Hastings 

Society and Culture

Emmalyn Heiserman

Nick Hornbarger

Military resistance

Sarah Huber

Society and culture

Isaac Pasley

Fosse Ardeatine

Jen Perritt 


Timothy Ross

Lindsey Vigoda

Copyright 2014 University of Missouri.

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